Dr. Jie Zheng started her career at Technical University Darmstadt as a teaching assistant and researcher in the filed of building energy efficiency and renewable energy. At the same time she worked as a project engineer for EU-Projects focusing on energy efficiency of social housing regarding technical optimization and user behaviour evaluation. During her PhD she worked together with some academic experts as researcher in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California USA in the area of Building Technology and Urban Systems.
After her PhD study Jie worked as project engineer and consultant in the field of building energy efficiency and sustainability, renewable energy development and decarbonization as well. She was responsible for the design and assessment of building energy efficiency as well as analysis of financial support for optimization measures.
She constantly enjoys facing new challenges and educate herself further in different professional areas. She received the certificates of „Introduction to ESG“ and „Inside LVMH“ in 2022, and the certificate of „Principle of Sustainable Finance“ in 2021. In 2023, she passed the LEED Green Associate examination.
Jie finished her bachelor study in Tong Ji University, Shanghai China and her diploma at TU Darmstadt in civil engineering. During her work at TU Darmstadt she also finished her PhD research and received the Doctor title.
Chinese is her mother tongue. She speaks English and German fluently.