TA Europe helps trusted clients confidentially source or pre-check investment targets in Europe. We also represent clients in ongoing real estate projects or developments.
With the ongoing uncertainty in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic, you might not be able to travel as freely as before and as hoped. You may still require the opportunity to learn more about a certain location or a specific property to assist your investment appraisal and considerations for acquisition or development. In such a case and where you need to confidentially gather more in-depth information and local, on-the-ground technical, real estate, infrastructure and construction expertise about any proposed plot or building, we are here to support you.
Our team of nearly 40 trusted professionals knows what investors look for and what risks they need to avoid or know about. We fully understand the complex considerations and requirements which precede a possible investment decision.
In more detail, we support our clients with:
- Scouting territories, locations and properties for all possible asset classes (ranging from offices, logistics, clinics and care homes, to residential buildings, retail sites and cold storage facilities) which fit our clients’ long-term investment strategy or portfolio;
- Pre-checking the location or the property’s surrounding infrastructure and accessibility;
- Identify economic and possibly environmental risks and restrictions, evaluate these risks applying knowledge from our experts, such as our sustainability specialists, and data from our own cost database; and
- Propose how to mitigate these risks or come up with alternatives that might better suit our clients’ requirements.
- Spontaneously represent clients in meetings or in ongoing projects and care that costs, program and quality are under control, that stakeholders are properly managed and that legal duties are fulfilled.
Depending on the level of confidentiality, we can solely work with our own partners or employees, who can guarantee and are liable for the fact that all information exchanged remains 100% confidential.
Should you decide to invest in a certain property, we offer the complete range of technical due diligence services, project or fund monitoring, project management and cost management services and technical asset management to help you increase your properties’ value in the long run, from the very start.