TA Europe is one of the leading PPP and Lenders’ Technical Advisors (LTA) in Europe. The team has been involved in several infrastructure, energy and social infrastructure schemes throughout Europe in the past 10 years, such as airports, highways, hospitals, prisons, schools, street lighting, police stations and barracks as well as offshore/onshore wind and solar energy. We work with international and local PPP experts and sector specialists to set up tailored teams to meet the requirements of our clients. We have been able to establish a robust benchmark database in several sectors and locations in Europe. The benchmarks are derived from numerous technical reviews as well as long-term appointments up to 35 years, covering Capex, Opex and lifecycle expenditures.
In the course of PPP transactions on the secondary market TA Europe’s team supports investors and buyers in single asset transactions as well as in portfolio deals. Examples are:
- Portfolio of 10 transport and social infrastructure PPP-schemes, spread over Europe, Australia and North America
- Portfolio of 4 school PPP-projects in Germany
- the Austrian A5 East region project
- Multifunctional sports arena in south eastern Europe
- Highway PPP scheme in Ireland
- On-shore wind park in Germany
To the benefit of our clients, our team can mobilise diverse specialised consultants, experts and nationalities in short time, who are all trained to focus on the investor’s risks. In the technical due diligence process we closely co-operate with the deal team, focussing on existent and latent technical risks, the adequacy and market standard of the security packages in place, reviewing and certifying the O&M and lifecycle budgets and spending profile. In close collaboration with all advisors involved in the process our team is used and experienced in the identification of upsides in all technical related matters, meaning the local pricing structure, lifecycle assumptions, contractual obligations or others.