Mercedes Martín joined TA Europe as Partner in April 2018 and is a Civil Engineer providing Lenders Technical Advisory (LTA) services for the Infrastructure PPP market.
Her career began in a major Spanish construction company working on Madrid’s Underground Train Network and on the High-Speed Train Infrastructure projects. These introduced her to the off and on-site working realities of the construction world.
She moved to the UK in 2005 to work for a prestigious technical advisory firm. Since then she has performed the LTA role throughout Europe and Latin America and she has gained experience being part of several concession projects at all stages. Technical advisory to lenders including reporting up to financial closure, construction monitoring and secondary market have been her day-to-day business.
Mercedes’ experience in concessions is wide-ranging and includes numerous large-scale projects. She has advised on over 20 infrastructure projects in 14 countries and has had the privilege to be on the LTA team on several projects, i.e. the ring road in Madrid (Madrid Calle 30), first generations of roads rehabilitation scheme in Spain, Metro de Lima and Pan-Americana Norte in Perú, UPPL prison, P21-24 road in Uruguay, 4G pipeline of roads in Colombia as well as a variety of brownfield assets acquisitions.
She is a registered Civil Engineer in Spain and Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers in the United Kingdom.