Sharing knowledge, facilitating collaborations and creating dialogue is vital for progress and important to TA Europe and its team.
Our team members have acquired an impressive amount of knowledge during their careers and some of our experts have published papers, books or articles on topics that are important for the real estate or infrastructure sector. You might be interested in the publications below, please get in touch if we can help you further.
Our cost manager Ulrich Fritsch has recently published the book “DIN 276 in Bildern” on the updated German standard “DIN 276 Building Costs”, read more about this publication on our blog.
Our Team Leader Dr Annika Neubauer, nèe Feige is an expert in sustainable buildings and has been involved in the certification of several assets. She has published several papers on the topic, listed below:
Doctoral Thesis: The financial effect of sustainability empirical evidence for commercial property investors in Switzerland
Feige, Annika Publication Date: 2012
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Rental price and sustainability ratings: which sustainability criteria are really paying back?
Annika Feige, Patrick McAllister & Holger Wallbaum
Construction Management and Economics
Volume 31, 2013 – Issue 4
Pages 322-334
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Value – the Perspective Matters
Annika Feige, Holger Wallbaum
publication dateMar 2013 publication descriptionConference Paper Holcim Forum 2013, Mumbai
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Impact of sustainable office buildings on occupant’s comfort and productivity
Annika Feige (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland)
Holger Wallbaum (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland)
Marcel Janser (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wadenswil, Switzerland)
Lukas Windlinger (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wadenswil, Switzerland)
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Harnessing stakeholder motivation: towards a Swiss sustainable building sector
Annika Feige , Holger Wallbaum & Sabrina Krank
Building Research & Information
Volume 39, 2011 – Issue 5: Motivating stakeholders to deliver environmental change
Pages 504-517
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Sustainability and property valuation: a risk-based approach
Erika Meins , Holger Wallbaum , Regina Hardziewski & Annika Feige
Building Research & Information
Volume 38, 2010 – Issue 3
Pages 280-300
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Leiblein, Thomas; Feige, Annika; Janser, Marcel; Monn, Christian; Wallbaum, Holger; Windlinger Inversini, Lukas; Hofmann, Thomas, 2015. Field study of natural, mechanical and hybrid ventilation systems of 27 office buildings in the temperate zone country Switzerland [Paper]. In: 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate 2014. The 13th international conference on indoor air quality and climate, Hong Kong, July 7–12, 2014. Curran Associates. S. 324-331.
Leitfaden für Nachhaltige Bürogebäude : Handlungsempfehlungen für Eigentümer, Bauherren, Planer, Betreiber und Nutzer von Bürogebäuden in der Schweiz. Janser, Marcel; Windlinger Inversini, Lukas; Leiblein, Thomas; Hofmann, Thomas; Wallbaum, Holger; Feige, Annika; Cui, Ying Ying; Lange, Stephanie, 2015. Wädenswil: ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Find out more
Monn, Christian; Leiblein, Thomas; Janser, Marcel; Feige, Annika; Wallbaum, Holger; Windlinger Inversini, Lukas; Hofmann, Thomas, 2015. Umgebungsbedingungen in Büros in Abhängigkeit von der Lüftung : Auswertungen aus dem Projekt „Qualität von Nachhaltigen Bürogebäuden“ (QNB-Projekt). Gefahrstoffe – Reinhaltung der Luft. (5), S. 191-196.
Windlinger Inversini, Lukas; Janser, Marcel; Feige, Annika; Wallbaum, Holger, 2012. The role of office users in the sustainability of office buildings : an empirical investigation and implications for FM. In: IEECB 2012 – 7th International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings, Frankfurt, 2012.
Our infrastructure expert Dr Norayr Badasyan has published several papers on Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure:
Master Planning Frame for Road Infrastructure Projects: Decision Making Model for Private Investments
Badasyan, N; Wibowo, A.; Bendiek A (upcoming in 2023), accepted for publication, Journal of Critical Infrastructures, Inderscience.
Current Status of Public-Private Partnership Research: Academia Fails to Provide Added Value for Industry
Badasyan, N; Riemann, A. (2020), Journal of Infrastructure Systems, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 26, Issue 1
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Business Models and the Private Provision of the Public Infrastructure: Leaving no Stone Unturned
Badasyan Et al., (2018) , International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, Inderscience.
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Economic Results of Private Investments in the Road Infrastructure Projects: Does the HDM-4 Show the Big Picture?
Badasyan Et al., (2018), Public Works Management and Policy, Sage. Find out more,
Project Feasibility Analysis Economic Model for Private Investments in Renewable Energy Sectors
Badasyan, N., (2018), Built Environment Project and Asset Management, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 215-230, Emerald. Find out more,
On the Development of Socially Beneficial Infrastructure Projects
Badasyan Et al., (2017), International Journal of Social Economics, Volume 44, Issue 11, pp.1437-1455, Emerald. Find out more,
Development of the Public Infrastructure Provision Organizational Models: Examples from the Armenian Transport Sector
Badasyan Et al., (2016), International Journal of Public Administration, pp. 1-10, DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2015.1136914, ISSN: 0190-0692 (Print) 1532-4265 (Online), Taylor and Francis/Routledge.
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The Public Infrastructure Provision Toolbox within the Framework of the New Institutional Economics
Badasyan Et al., (2015), European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 72-82.
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Integrated Target Value Approach Engaging Project Teams in an Iterative Process of Exploration and Decision Making to Provide Clients with the Highest Value
Badasyan Et al. (2015), American Society of Civil Engineers, Computing in Civil Engineering, pp. 313-321.
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