External Advisor
Luc Tousseyn has an extended experience in design, design review and risk assessment of civil structures and accommodations and is familiar with all technical and legal aspects of building contracts.
Luc has ten years’ experience with SECO of technical inspection services. He was in charge of several important infrastructure works and accommodation projects in Belgium. He is a member of “Belgische Groepering voor Grondmechanica en Geotechniek”, and a former member of Task Committee CEN/TC 396: Earthworks.
Between 1987 and 1999, he was technical director of a real estate company in Brussels and was in charge of the construction of office building for the ministerial services and banks.
As managing director of ABIDT, structural engineering company, from 1999 to 2008 he designed a number of buildings, car parks and infrastructure projects inter alia 1 km tunnel for the A16 in Breda in The Netherlands and a €6M bridge in Cameroun. He also was involved in the foundation design of the DIABOLO project, railway tunnel under the runway of Brussels airport and the new headquarters of the NATO in Brussels.
From 2008 to 2010 he was business development manager of SOCOTEC.
Luc specializes in technical consulting for investors and insurance companies, providing technical legal expertise, and arbitration services. Since 2010, he has been involved in a number of arbitrations, dispute resolutions and technical due diligence commissions for infrastructure projects and accommodations in The Netherlands, Belgium and France.